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How to Close Out a Credit Card

How to close your credit card account safely by Continental Finance

Do you have an unused card or open account at zero balance? Perhaps an old credit card that you haven’t even taken out of your wallet in years and only keep it around because it’s your oldest account? 

Are you afraid that even with a sterling payment history closing that account will affect your FICO score or any other free credit score from credit bureaus because canceling a card will have a negative impact on your credit utilization rate?

While there are many good reasons to keep an unused credit card with zero balance that can help you maintain good credit, there are ways of canceling a card and closing out your account that are safe and proper.

So if you’ve weighed the pros and cons, and have decided to close out your credit card, Continental Finance has polled the experts from around the industry and these are the top recommendations on how to close out a credit card safely and smoothly. Doing so will stave off any credit utilization ratio issues, protect your credit score and avoid any nasty surprises like annual fees penalties.

It starts with step one, update automatic payments.

The next step is to talk to other authorized users

Then make sure you redeem any rewards

Now you pay off the card balance

Then confirm there is actually zero balance

Now request account closure

Then confirm the account is really closed

Finally, dispose of your card

Download The Infographic

If you’d like to keep this step-by-step process handy, download our infographic. That way you will always have the information you need on how to properly close accounts for any future new credit cards or credit accounts.

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Continental Finance is one of America’s leading marketers and servicers of credit cards for people with less-than-perfect credit. Learn more by visiting

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